Wednesday, 31 October 2007


Hear it! or Subscribe!

The first part of this year's calendar. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Intro Theme Credits

Introduction theme for Episode 2 onwards:

Creepy laughter and opening are from Paul, The Halloween Boy. He scares me.

The drums are Ashley Tuck of Ibly Dy, from their track And fixed to her face was the kind of smile... recorded live at the Red House,

John Wycliffe had some sensible ideas. I'm reading here from his Conversational Tracts, circa 1380. It roughly paraphrases: "They sell indulgences and compel us, with hook or crook, to buy them all."

Jabberwocky, (Lewis Carrol) is read by Dvortygirl, The Tell Tale Heart, (Edgar Allen Poe) is read by Don Morgan, a LibriVox recording,

and Miss Shine welcomes you to The Room Behind the Bookcase.

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Introduction theme for Episode 1:

This is: Ibly Dy playing By the Year 2020 we will all ride giant wasps to work, recorded live at the red house. And some of Marching Footsteps recorded by Cognitu Perceptu and Big Door Shut Down by Loofa, from the Free Sound Project. And Sage Tyrtle of Quirky Nomads can't find a remote control. Apparently.